In the studio...
Currently in the studio working on a new etching… Large steel plate etching with gold leaf chine colle, very much work in progress, but exciting never-the-less.
I have been selected to exhibit ‘Leda’ at the RE:Open from 17th August - 2nd September at the Bankside Gallery, London. Here is a sneaky peak of the work being proofed in the studio. 'Leda’ is a very very big screen resist etching. More details to come soon…
The music promo I directed in Jan has finally been released. Enjoy.
My Baby’s just a Baby ~ Knickers.
These past few weeks have been very busy! Two big exhibitions and then directing and shooting a music promo for the band Strangefruit. Exciting times indeed. It was an honour to work with such a fantastic crew: Matthew Oaten DoP, Olivia Hicks Art Director and the majestic Zoe Simon - an actress I’ve been wanting to collaborate with for a long time.
The promo for Strangefruit’s wonderfully haunting song ‘Sea of Fog’ will be out of post production before too long. So stay tuned for its release. In the meantime, here are some photographs of me directing/dictating (its all in the finger point)!
Thank you to everyone who came to the London Original Print Fair! It was a real success! If you missed it, you can see all works exhibited (including mine) at this address…
London Original Print Fair PV last night! Great people, great work, a few sales, what more could we have asked for! Photographs to follow.
I am exhibiting my new etchings at the London Original Print Fair at the Royal Academy from 19th April until the 22nd April. Come along and buy some wonderful artworks.
Apocalypse →
Off to see the Apocalypse exhibition at the Tate tomorrow with my lovely Husband! CANT WAIT!
Probably my sound track for getting through the winter so far.